“Sand Acacia”
From: Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe
A multi-stemmed 3 metre shrub/tree
Grey bark
Branches arising close to the ground, pale velvety leaves
Cream flowers sometimes tinged pink in Summer, scented
Sow seeds in Spring when the difference between day & night temperatures is about 12°C. Treat with a pre-emergence fungicide.
Growing Tips/Hints
- Use a well-drained sterile potting mix.
- Treat the seeds with a pre-emergence fungicide such as Apron.
- Scarify the seeds using water.
Bring water to the boil, drop seeds into the water & leave to soak for 24 hours in the cooling water before sowing:
- Faidherbia albida
- Senegalia polyacantha
- Senegalia schweinfurthii
- Vachellia arenaria
- Vachellia davyii
- Vachellia erioloba
- Vachellia gerardii
- Vachellia haematoxylon – soak 24-48 hours
- Vachellia hebeclada
- Vachellia karoo
- Vachellia nilotica
- Vachellia reficiens
- Vachellia rehmanniana
- Vachellia robusta
- Vachellia sieberiana
- Vachellia stuhlmannii – before soaking file over larger area.
- Vachellia tortilis
- Vachellia xanthophloea
Soak in warm water (about 30°C) for 24 hours before sowing:
- Senegalia ataxacantha
- Senegalia burkei
- Senegalia galpinii
- Senegalia hereroensis
- Senegalia montis-usti
- Senegalia nigrescens
Soak in warm water (about 30°C) for 1 or 2 hours before sowing:
- Senegalia caffra
- Senegalia erubescens
- Senegalia cinerea
- Senegalia mellifera
- Senegalia senegal