Often flatter and usually more boldly marked bodies than var comptonii.
Powdery bluish-grey or lilac in colour, often with a pinkish, slightly puffy, fissure zone.
The margins are sometimes raised like a crimped pie crust and the markings tend to be prominent.
Should be sown in Spring when the difference between day and night temperatures is about 12°C.
Growing hints
Lithops seeds respond well to mid-summer sowing in an area with a rain proof cover. Sow in 8cm plastic pots using a potting mixture consisting of 1 part peat based potting mix and 2 parts coarse sand, perlite or pumice.
Cover the seeds with a very thin layer of sand.
Water the pots once from below (see below) and cover with a glass sheet or a plastic bag for 3 days. This is to allow the seeds to swell. Make sure that the pots are in the shade.
After the 3rd day take off the glass and cover the pots with fine mesh. Mist the pots once or twice a day.
The ideal temperature is between 15 and 30°C.
Within 2 weeks most of the seeds should have germinated.
Once the seeds have germinated, do not water too often as the plants will rot. The little plants will respond to regular dilute feeding.
If after a month nothing has germinated, dry the pot off and a few months later, water again. Often the seeds will then germinate.
To water from below: fill a bucket with water. Hold the pot by the rim and carefully lower it into the bucket so that the water rises through the drainage hole. The water will rise up through the soil in the pot, and once the surface becomes moist, lift the pot out of the bucket and let it drain. This method of watering is excellent for all small seeds as it prevents them from being displaced on the soil surface.