Photograph: A. Hitchcock
“Pink Keurboom”
A very beautiful fast growing 10 metre high short lived evergreen tree
Compound leaves, velvety flat pod
Pea-shaped flowers from Spring to Summer
Should be sown in Autumn when the difference between day and night temperatures is about 12°C.
Growing Hints
The seed coat of the Virgilia is hard and requires some scarification to help with germination.
Soak the seeds in hot water for 24 hours before sowing. Virgilia responds well to the use of Smoke Primer treatment before being sown. It is also a good idea to treat with a Pre-emergence fungicide when planting.
Plant the seeds in autumn or spring, in well-drained soil at a depth of 0.5 – 1 cm. Keep well-watered.
Transplant the seedlings after the first pair of true leaves has emerged or when they are large enough to handle. Virgilia seedlings are fast growing. The plants need to be watered well for the first few years.
Mature trees may withstand short periods of frost, but not prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures.