“Blushing Bride”
- 6 Seeds per packet
1.5m Tall shrub
Plants are short-lived
Floral bracts pale pink, deep pink inside
Flowers in Winter and Spring
Should be sown in Autumn when the difference between day and night temperatures is about 12°C.
Growing Hints
Treat with fungicide to prevent pre and post emergence damping off (eg Apron XL). Pre-emergence fungicide treatment is important for protection from pathogens in the soil and post germination protection.
Higher day temperatures and cooler night temperatures. The seeds can be exposed to short periods of high temperature followed by cooling water, mimicking autumn temperatures and stimulating germination.
Watered in the mornings and fed with organic-based fertilizer (eg.Nitrosol). Do not overwater. Allow to dry between watering.
In Mediterranean climates the seed should be sown in late summer to early autumn unlike other climates where their growing season is spring.
Sow the seed in a medium of well-drained, sharp river sand mixed with decomposed pine needle compost or good-quality washed peat.
Don’t sow seed too deep (1cm). Place in warm, well-lit aerated position, keeping it watered but not soggy. Often lack of germination is because the seed is infected by fungus before it emerges.
Well-lit, well-ventilated area under cover of polycarbonate so that water and moisture levels can be controlled. Overwatering can cause fungal damage on the leaves. Watering from the base of the plant is preferable.
Clean, acidic water instead of tap water. Place in multi trays with deeper plugs. Each plant its own plug creating a smaller tapered root which is air pruned when emerging from the base.
“Serruria florida is very sensitive to soil conditions (pH, drainage, water quality CEC and nutrient levels) and if you get this wrong then they will struggle. Poor, acidic, quartzitic based, well drained, soils is what I recommend. Make sure the media is clean as possible. Good sharp river sand mixed about 50:50 with good quality washed peat or similar product. Decomposed pine needle compost is also good. You can sterilize the medium with hot water or stream” – Anthony Hitchcock
DO NOT dig or cultivate around Proteaceae the fine surface root system will be disturbed, & the plants may die. Weeds should be pulled out or cut.