Has worked at Silverhill for 22 years, gaining a HUGE amount of knowledge from Rod and Rachel. She is a Horticulturist by trade and worked in both retail and wholesale/growing nurseries to start off. She has 1 husband, 2 children,
5 cats and 2 dogs.
She has worked at Silverhill on and off since she was about 20, while at University studying Chemical engineering. The most meticulous bookkeeper that anyone could wish for. She has a young Daughter (Islay) so only works a few mornings a week.
Trained as a draughts-woman and has done many different creative bits and pieces from home (cake making being her main focus), until she came to work at Silverhill and is now broadening her plant knowledge.
Nina Dunbar-Curran is an energetic, quick, and efficient addition to our team. Married and a mom to two little boys, Benjamin 4 years old and her newest addition Max who keeps her very busy and fit. Not surprising she is also a dancer which she loves. Her smile and infectious laugh and willingness to put her hand to any part of the process in the office have made her integration into the team easy. Her forte is fast becoming handling the Department of Agriculture which takes patience.
Regina is our star seed cleaner. She keeps our constant supply of fresh seeds cleaned and packed away and is quickly learning new techniques for everything from Drosera to Protea and bulbs in-between. A mom to 3 girls and a boy, her soft spoken nature and constant laughter is wonderful in the office.
Dorothy has been with Silverhill for many years starting out with cleaning seeds to now filling each and every seed order. Dorothy has great knowledge on our seed stock and the seed itself and is eager to learn more as she goes. A mom to 3 boys and a girl and a natural leader, she drives the team to keep up with the constant inflow of fresh seed.
Etina is a part of the dynamic seed cleaning crew. She has 2 children and is the quietest of all of us in the office! She is also the closest to the front door, so is the fittest of us all jumping up to open the door for passing customers, couriers or animals that want to come into the office.
Lucy is the newest addition to the Silverhill Team. She has become part of the wonderful dynamic seed cleaning crew. She has 2 children, a boy and a girl. Lucy always has the biggest smile and is willing to help out wherever is needed, her smile definitely brightens up the office!
Who we must share desk space with as well as our fruit!
Has worked at Silverhill for 22 years, gaining a HUGE amount of knowledge from Rod and Rachel. She is a Horticulturist by trade and worked in both retail and wholesale/growing nurseries to start off. She has 1 husband, 2 children,
5 cats and 2 dogs.
She has worked at Silverhill on and off since she was about 20, while at University studying Chemical engineering. The most meticulous bookkeeper that anyone could wish for. She has a young Daughter (Islay) so only works a few mornings a week.
Trained as a draughts-woman and has done many different creative bits and pieces from home (cake making being her main focus), until she came to work at Silverhill and is now broadening her plant knowledge.
Nina Dunbar-Curran is an energetic, quick, and efficient addition to our team. Married and a mom to two little boys, Benjamin 4 years old and her newest addition Max who keeps her very busy and fit. Not surprising she is also a dancer which she loves. Her smile and infectious laugh and willingness to put her hand to any part of the process in the office have made her integration into the team easy. Her forte is fast becoming handling the Department of Agriculture which takes patience.
Regina is our star seed cleaner. She keeps our constant supply of fresh seeds cleaned and packed away and is quickly learning new techniques for everything from Drosera to Protea and bulbs in-between. A mom to 3 girls and a boy, her soft spoken nature and constant laughter is wonderful in the office.
Dorothy has been with Silverhill for many years starting out with cleaning seeds to now filling each and every seed order. Dorothy has great knowledge on our seed stock and the seed itself and is eager to learn more as she goes. A mom to 3 boys and a girl and a natural leader, she drives the team to keep up with the constant inflow of fresh seed.
Etina is a part of the dynamic seed cleaning crew. She has 2 children and is the quietest of all of us in the office! She is also the closest to the front door, so is the fittest of us all jumping up to open the door for passing customers, couriers or animals that want to come into the office.
Lucy is the newest addition to the Silverhill Team. She has become part of the wonderful dynamic seed cleaning crew. She has 2 children, a boy and a girl. Lucy always has the biggest smile and is willing to help out wherever is needed, her smile definitely brightens up the office!
Who we must share desk space with as well as our fruit!
Rod was a Horticulturist and worked at The Wilds in Johannesburg for may years until he was offered a job as nursery manager at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens. His big booming voice was well known during the Kirstenbosch plant sales every year. He left Kirstenbosch and joined Rachel to start collecting seeds from all corners of South Africa and drove may kilometres on each trip. Rod loved photographing the plants they saw and would come home with an SD card full of photos that Rachel would sort and catalogue.
Rachel was qualified as microbiologist and worked at University of Cape Town for many years. They bought Parsleys Seeds in about 1995 and changed the name to Silverhill Seeds as they lived in Silverhill Crescent, and she was going to run it as a “side” business while Rod was at Kirstenbosch. It soon got too big for her on her own and Rod left Kirstenbosch and joined her to build Silverhill Seeds to what it is today. All the pictures on this website are a huge thank you to her and Rod as they were both prolific photographers.
Worked at Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden since 1983 and as the Nursery Manager for the last 10 years until he retired. He jumped in with both feet to work with us after the death of Rod and Rachel and worked tirelessly until his untimely death, we miss his smile and constant teasing.
Rod was a Horticulturist and worked at The Wilds in Johannesburg for may years until he was offered a job as nursery manager at Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens. His big booming voice was well known during the Kirstenbosch plant sales every year. He left Kirstenbosch and joined Rachel to start collecting seeds from all corners of South Africa and drove may kilometres on each trip. Rod loved photographing the plants they saw and would come home with an SD card full of photos that Rachel would sort and catalogue.
Rachel was qualified as microbiologist and worked at University of Cape Town for many years. They bought Parsleys Seeds in about 1995 and changed the name to Silverhill Seeds as they lived in Silverhill Crescent, and she was going to run it as a “side” business while Rod was at Kirstenbosch. It soon got too big for her on her own and Rod left Kirstenbosch and joined her to build Silverhill Seeds to what it is today. All the pictures on this website are a huge thank you to her and Rod as they were both prolific photographers.
Worked at Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden since 1983 and as the Nursery Manager for the last 10 years until he retired. He jumped in with both feet to work with us after the death of Rod and Rachel and worked tirelessly until his untimely death, we miss his smile and constant teasing.