Planting Suggestions 1: Indigenous Trees, Shrubs, Herbaceous Plants and Creepers for Cold Areas
Dear Plant Lovers
We often get asked for suggestions for plants for colder areas. Here are some suggestions put together by Geoff Nicholls.
A good book to partner these suggestions is:
Mountain Flowers – A Field Guide to the Flora of the Drakensberg and Lesotho
ISBN0 620 30221 6
A 320 paged soft-cover book.
A handy guide covering more than 1000 plant species.
With over 1300 colour photographs.
Margin maps leaf and flower drawings.
A superb book.
- By Pooley E,
- Published 2003
Apodytes dimidiata White Pear Yes Red & blackberries
Bowkeria verticillata Natal Shell-flower Bush Hardy Small tree, white snapdragon “slippers”
Calodendrum capense Cape Chestnut Yes Large tree showy pink flowers in summer.
Canthium ciliatum Hairy Turkey-berry Yes Small tree/shrub spiny branches
Canthium mundianum Rock Alder Yes Small vertical, open tree with yellow Autumn leaves
Cassinopsis ilicifolia Lemon Thorn Hardy Hedge plant thorny and good for shelter orange berries for colour
Celtis africana White Stinkwood Yes Shade tree but buy from cold nursery beware of Chinese imports
Cussonia paniculata Mountain Cabbage Tree Slightly Blue green leaves, accent plant
Cussonia spicata Common Cabbage Tree Yes Larger lower altitude species accent and bird food.
Cyathea dregei Tree Fern Hardy Accent plant wet feet and full sun
Dais cotinifolia Pom-pom tree Yes Moist sites, pink pompoms
Diospyros lycioides Bluebush Hardy Good shelter belt and garden tree
Diospyros whyteana Bladder-nut Yes Small tree, shiny dark green foliage
Euclea crispa Blue Guarri Hardy Small tree
Ficus ingens Red-leaved Fig Hardy Small tree browsed and fruits for birds
Grewia occidentalis Crossberry At first Small tree or shrub, semi shade, mauve flowers
Greyia sutherlandii Natal bottlebrush Yes Straggly, robust small tree, scarlet flowers
Gymnosporia buxifolia Common Spike-thorn Hardy Small shade tree, lovely “blocky” bark,
Halleria lucida Tree Fuchsia At first Orange flowers direct on stem attracts birds
Heteromorpha trifoliata Parsley tree Hardy Small tree
Ilex mitis Cape Holly Yes Tree, moist site, semi shade, makes dense canopy
Kiggelaria africana Wild Peach Hardy Small tree, open habit, grayish peach leaves
Leucosidea sericea Ouhout Hardy Small tree, pruning creates Bonsai effect
Maytenus acuminata Silk-bark Hardy Shade tree, leaves & bark break with “silk” threads
Maytenus peduncularis Cape Blackwood Hardy Small tree
Maytenus undata Koko tree Yes at first Shade tree, leaves pale at back
Morella pilulifera Broadleaved waxberry At first Small tree, very dense green canopy
Myrsine africana Cape Myrtle
Olea europea ssp. africana Wild Olive At first Tree, shrub or hedge, leaves grey behind. Stands drought
Olinia emarginata Mountain hard pear Hardy Beautiful, shiny shade tree with pale stem
Pittosporum viridiflorum Cheesewood Yes Small tree, shrub, hedge
Podocarpus latifolius True Yellowwood At first Shade tree, good soil & moist site, stands shade
Podocarpus henkelii Henkel’s Yellowwood At first Specimen tree food and shelter tree
Protea roupelliae Silver Sugarbush Hardy Sugarbird and Sunbird Trees
Protea caffra Natal Sugarbush Hardy ugarbird and Sunbird Trees
Protea subvestita Lip-flower Sugarbush Hardy Sugarbird and Sunbird Trees
Protea aristata Ladismith Sugarbush Hardy W. Cape rewarding
Protea eximia Broad-leaved Sugarbush Hardy W. Cape rewarding
Protea lacticolor Hottentot Sugarbush Hardy W. Cape rewarding
Prunus africana Red Stinkwood Hardy Large tree pioneer in Midlands, attracts birds
Ptaeroxylon obliquum Sneezewood
Rapanea melanophloeos Cape Beech At first Pioneer tree on forest margins, moist sites
Rhamnus prinoides Dogwood Hardy Small tree, shrub, and hedge. Shiny dark green leaves
Rhigozum obovatum Yellow pomegranate Yes Small flowering tree, well drained site
Rothmannia capensis Common Rothmannia Hardy Shrub for shade or sun. Fruit for monkeys
Rothmannia globosa September Bells Yes Shrub for shade or sun. Fruit for monkeys.
Salix mucronata ssp. woodii Natal Willow Hardy Small riverside tree, moist sites
Scolopia mundii Red pear Hardy Shade tree, shiny leaves, red new shoots, moist sites
Seemannaralia gerrardii Wild Maple Yes Tree for birds and deciduous for interest in garden.
Senegalia caffra Common Hook Thorn Yes Cream flowers
Smodingium argutum Rainbow leaf Yes Small tree, Rhus-like autumn colours, has a toxic sap
Vachellia karroo Sweet Thorn Yes Yellow flowers sweet scented
Virgilia oroboides Cape Keurboom Yes Tree with lovely purple pea flowers, short lived, approx. 10 years
Widdringtonia nodiflora Berg Cypress Hardy Small accent tree. Clips to bush or hedge
Ziziphus mucronata Buffalo thorn At first Clip to small tree, shrub or thorny hedge